Star Wars is one of the most sacred stories in pop culture. Messing with that story can lead to a backdraft that will only leave ashes after it departs. Most who dare have to be careful they don’t step on the wrong toes. Luckily the creative team behind The Star Wars has George Lucas’s first draft of Star Wars to go off of.

After experiencing every Star Wars film, I was excited to see “what could’ve been” when I picked up this book. Aside from the prequels, I think Star Wars was and still is some of the greatest science-fiction I the history of cinema. After they announced Lucas would reveal his first draft in the form of a comic book, my curiosity spiked through the rough. I had to see it and so far it’s off to an okay start.thestarwars1-300x461

Writer J.W. Rinzler scripts Lucas’s original rough draft into short form. Rinzler provides snappy dialogue between the character’s, some of which you might recognize. I will say its odd seeing new characters and old in different positions, but after you see one it’s exciting to try and predict who’s going to show up next.

The issue has an awkward pace, it starts off with suspense, a little action and just slows down as it carefully places key pieces of the plot. It’s WIth the seeds planted, it feels like things will heat up…hopefully.From here the series looks like it will be on a solid path, things should move faster now that most of the background is established.

Mike Mayhew, no relation to Peter Mayhew (the actor who played Chewbaca if you didn’t know that already, I’m guessing you did if you’re reading this review) if you were wondering, provides some excellent pencils. They’re ridiculously detailed and realistic. The colors provied by Rain Beredo take the entire package to new heights., it really accentuates even the smallest of details. The entire book is beautiful.

The first issue of The Star Wars is just what you’d expect, it’s different, significantly. Fans of the franchise will enjoy the different approach that almost was, they’ll also enjoy the similarities and fun nods toward the original peppered throughout the issue as well. Overall, this was a adequate start to the interpretation of  Lucas’s rough draft.

Final Score : 3.5/5