Review: Avengers Arena #14

I’ve been reading Avengers Arena thinking we’d get a bloody Battle Royal-esque contest filled with crazy action and it is. But all the way up to this issue we’ve been getting something else as well. Writer Dennis Hopelsess has fleshed out these characters into more than just pawns on a battlefield for pure entertainment. They’re profound, through their endeavors, many lessons can be learned, much of which can be applied outside the warzone they’ve barley been enduring.

Hopeless has crafted empathetic alleyways for each of these characters, even the some of the ones that are harder to feel for. We’ve slowly seen the layers peeled back on these young heroes until there’s nothing left and now we see them for what they truly are. Such is the case with this issue where Bloodstone unwraps is complicated, coarse history, opening up to the one person he hasn’t seen eye-to-eye with the whole series.Avengers-Arena_14-674x1024

The pace hasn’t slowed down either, with only a few days left until Arcade wipes them all out, we continue to see skirmishes pushing the story as well as the characters to their absolute limits by playing with their minds and hearts.

Kev Wallers pencils are prominently detailed. His more active panels really characterize the action taking place, nothing is stiff , as you move from panel to panel everything is completely fluid. This is especially nice with the enthusiastic speed the story moves with. On top of that, everything is complemented by Jean-Francois Beaulieu’s vibrant colors that shine through the flashbacks in this issue.

Hopeless and company continue to keep the story energetic and alluring. Each issue leaves you wanting more. Thankfully this is one of the series that I encourage double shipping, mainly for that reason. This story is ramping up for what looks like an outrageous conclusion and I can’t wait.

Final Score: 4.2/5